Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Rebuild Your Health: Balance, Harmony, and Good Practices

Rebuild Your Health: Balance, Harmony, and Good Practices


My intent for this session is to bring back a sense of peace and hope, and help you envision your healthy glow. 

That typically takes a few weeks to a few months, and from my perspective, it has to include joy. I have seen it happen many times, and would like you to experience it as well.

What would you like to work on?

Do you have one or more pesky conditions that you would like to improve? For example, losing those few (or many) pounds that never seem to go away? Or trying to find the so called ‘will power’ not to eat what you know is not good for you…??

How about improving your energy level? Handling arthritic stiffness? 

You may have a several conditions that lower the quality of your life, and you have tried a bunch of supplements, saw several doctors, and yet nothing is changing.

Or maybe you think you know what you need to do for your health, but somehow it is not really coming together?

It is time to have a sound guiding conversation about your health and figure out what needs to happen next.

Dr. Dohrea Bardell will lead you through a systematic questionnaire to highlight potential areas to re-focus and rebuild healthy practices for a stronger body, mind, and spirit. Gaining back an equilibrium in your health takes some education so we'll make sure you are directed into the right path of learning more about taking care of yourself, and having fun in the process. 

This wonderfully illuminating session is not meant to diagnose and treat but to lead you through areas in your health practices that need special attention.

Dr. Bardell may also suggest holistic practitioners and integrative doctors and will encourage you to create a dynamite team of health care professionals around you.

Together, we will create a natural course of action for your health, in a way that makes sense to you. Bring back balance and harmony through good healthy practices. 

Included:  1 1/2 hours all together.  One hour appointment on zoom, follow up with email, protocol, and if needed a shorter zoom session. The protocol will have a nice direction and give you some resources. You can rebook this session again, or go for the more intensive one.

Dr. Dohrea Bardell has her PhD in Human Development and has been consulting for over 30 years.

Please email to schedule an appointment after you purchase the session.

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